Tuesday, 12 February 2013

OMG I hath returned!

"Lord Voldemort will return... very... much... alive." - Tom Riddle

Well...if Voldy can do it, I can! I've returned from the land of double fractured arms! :D Although I still have no space bar, I've kind of gotten used to it so it's not so bad :D Sorry I didn't return sooner guys, it's been real busy in Sixth Form, we now have a place called "The Workshop" (sounds quite frightening, I know) It's basically just a big study hall with desks and sofa-chairs and stuff. It's cool, I've been down there every school day since last Thursday ^___^
On other big news....I DID THE FRINGE THING. -Bravest face evaaaar.-

I think it looks okay actually! Not as bad as I dreade-...expected. Anyhows, today I invented the Kyuuki! The cake cookie! In other words a very thin cake....(yes it's a biscuit I know) BUT I WAS STILL THE INVENTOR M'KAY? 
That is all. -Molly.G

Monday, 21 January 2013

I dun goofed.

I slipped on the ice today & fractured my arm, won't be posting for a lil while as now not only am i spacebar-less, but typing with 1 arm. Ciao fo' now!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Dutch Braids

So one of the things i've been learning to do recently is different kinds of braids. The one I've done on Caitlin is this picture is a "Dutch" braid, or an Inside-Out-French-Plait....I prefer "Dutch." Anyhow I'll update with a few different types I can do later on :)

Stanley the Snowman

You gotta admit it to yourself...you'll never be as cool as a snowman with an ice-bowler-hat and a grass side-fauxhawk. Also his eyes are blueberries....beat dat shizz.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Panto timez.

One word. PANTOMIME! I'm going with the awesome teenreadsmyreviews.blogspot.com to Theatre Clywd in Wales to the Rock n Roll panto :D Should be cool, I'll write a panto review after we've gone ;) Wait in high anticipation people, It'll be coolbeans. Also visit the URL to teenreads! ori'lleatyou.


The title of this blog post, as you might have guessed is I heart Arctic. Just go to http://www.savethearctic.org/ and sign the petition if you want to help save the Arctic...pleases :) Just take a lil bit out of your day to help a very worthy cause. 


I broke my spacebar. -facepalm-. I know right, total duh, but technically it wasn't me, my cat Tiger was sat on my knee kneading the keyboard with her claws and it came off and broke :c Anyhow, here it is VEREH SNOWEH. Blizzardous actually. Also Lizzie would like me to mention she has kinky hair. That is all. :')