Tuesday, 11 December 2012

OMG A book review!


So, here's something new! A book review xO!
Last night while in the bath for 2 and half hours, I read the entire book:
The Road - Cormack McCarthy 
So, to give you the gist of it, it's set in post-apocalyptic america, it's told from a kind of 3rd person perspective I guess, there are two main characters, the man and the boy. (father and son). You don't find out what happened to the world, why it's now completely ashen and grey, but it just is. They're heading to the coast which takes them about 3 weeks, and follow this one road as a route. Basically you can expect: Killers, cannibals, tramps & baby-eaters. It's really cheerful as you can probably guess. The whole book is really depressing and the end is really depressing too :) Gonna be such a lovely book to study for a month or so for my english exam, what a blast!

Christmas song of the day! 


  1. Yep deffinatly a depressing book! how you could stand to read it in one go is beyond me!

  2. Ahaha I was just determined to get it over with!
