Monday, 12 November 2012

Psychology struggles & Grammar grids

Sixth form really isn't as easy as predicted. GCSE I kind of half slept through, and the other half was only 3% work and 97% day-dreaming. No such activities in Sixth Form, that's more like 82% consciousness (which actually includes working, thinking, and functioning like a normal human being), but still, I do manage to cram in a good 18% of day-dreaming and vegetable-like states of behaviour. 
   Psychology for instance, that seems easy enough when you're in class, the terms and concepts are simple enough to understand, participants watch clip of car crash, go home for a week, come back and get asked if they saw glass when the cars "bumped" into each other, or they're asked if they saw glass when the cars "smashed" into each other. Smashed being a more severe verb, more participants on average think they saw glass than those who were told the verb "bumped". Then you get given some homework, 6 questions, each question a paragraph, some two or three paragraph answers, you type it out, hand it in happily....1 week later you get a D back -Facepalm-. Turns out there's this horrible term that's entered my life called "contextualising". Also as it turns out, I'm pretty bad at it. I'll hopefully get better with practice, practice makes permanent right? But still....eugh.
   German. German, German, German. Grammar Grids. Eww. Such an unpleasant process :c Try and think of tenses and grammar rules, write them down into a big grid thing and hope to god they're right, otherwise you've just set yourself some very incorrect revision material. No doubt I'll be making this mistake within the next 10 minutes, when I start my grammar grid...due in tomorrow...last minute miracles eh? 

- Monday 12th November 2012, 4 posts later, still the same date. I need to do  some homework soon.

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