Friday, 16 November 2012

Top 10's - Films!

Self explanatory, I watch a lot of films, so this is my top 10 films of recent, in order. 

1) Skyfall
By a mile, this was my favourite film of this month, it was totally AH-MAY-ZINGGG. I've never seen a whole bond film before, just snippets of the old ones that are always on at Christmas on those ancient movie channels you only discover magically at Christmas. 

2) Prometheus
I've never seen the actual Alien vs Predator, but this film was fantastic! Really puts you in suspense the whole way through aha, brill to watch, just make sure no young children are about.

3) The Social Network
This was a cool film; it took a lot of concentration to stay with the plotline for me, mainly because my mum was yapping at my step-dad about something or other during the "boring" (in other words ESSENTIAL PARTS), but if you watch it with quieter film-buddies then you'll have no problem...btw HI MUM because she also reads my blog ahaha! Ah fun.

4) American Virgin
This was very entertaining! Classically funny with ridiculous situations.

5) Ted
Funny at first, begins to drag a bit after the whole talking swearing teddy bear wears off, but still a good movie :)

6) The Ugly Duckling and Me
The siblings got bored, so we all slouched on the sofa and had a good look through lovefilm, eventually deciding on this. It was quite good fun I guess, no blockbuster but eh, worth watching if you have young children around the house who otherwise destroy all manner of things :) Such as your art pencils :'c R.I.P. Stabilo.

7) Confessions of a shopaholic
It was cute, and I really can sympathise with the whole shopaholic thing, if I had the money I'd buy the world...but still, a bit yawn.

8) Piranhas
God this movie traumatized me, I had piranha nightmares D: Probably funny and entertaining to some people....but I couldn't take it on. Ewwy :c

9) Scary Movie 2
Just not funny :/ Cringey maybe, but amusing no.

10) The Woman in Black
This honestly scared the bejezzus out of me, I still sleep with at least 1 night light :/ Went to see it because Daniel Radcliffe is awesome, but god if I could go back in time and un-see it I would! Great for anyone that likes horrors, I hated it!

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